Names perfect for Valentine’s babies

February 14th is a day to celebrate the love for our nearest and dearest and this couldn’t be truer if we have a baby born on this special day. To help you out we’ve looked at baby names with a special meaning to help give you some Valentine's name inspo. 

The Girls


The Latin origin name Mabel means Lovable. It couldn’t be more perfect for a Valentine’s arrival.


The name Esme is of French origin that means Loved, a wonderful name for a February baby.


Amy means Beloved and is a Latin name. Beloved meaning dearly loved is a fitting name for a new treasured family member.


Welsh name Carys means To Love, a beautiful name for a cherished newborn.


The Boys


The name Romeo unfortunately doesn’t mean love however it is a name renowned for its connotations with love and devotion, so we think it deserves a spot at the top of the boys list. 


Much like Amy, the name David means Beloved. It is of Hebrew origin and is a suitable name for an adorable baby boy.  


An Irish gender neutral name, Lennon means Dear One and can be shortened to the equally adorable Lenny or Leni.


Latin name Valentine, after Saint Valentine means Strong and would be the epitome of the day of love. Alternatively, Valentina for a girl is just as dreamy.